Sunday, March 1, 2009

Intubated Again!

February 28, 2009

Last day of this month! Sigh…I was hoping that GJ will continue to have a great day everyday after they removed the breathing tube. So far I don’t know what to say… I am very sad to say this that he is back with breathing tube again. Last night before I went to bed he was doing alright although he was not saying any words. I went to bed around 12mn after I cleaned him up and everytime I open my eyes to check on him, he was already checking on me. I was surprised because it seems that he was watching me while I was asleep. Around 2am I decided to stay up with him. He was not fussy at all, he was just lying on his bed. Then later around 3:30am he started to rolled around in his crib. He was very restless, he even manage to pulled the vital signs monitor out of the box and it fell on the floor. He tangled himself with all the cords that was connected to his body, he turned round 365 degrees, which was causing his IV to bleed. He kept his nurses on toes between last night and today.
Today, he woke up around 7:30 am when the doctors came in. I thought he was gonna have another beautiful day today, but the notion that I felt turned around. Around 10:30 am when I took a peek on him before I was gonna take a shower; however, I saw him taking off his feeding tube and O2 canula and breathing very labored. So, few nurses came in to our room and take a look at him. The next time that I know is that doctor came and told me that he needs another breathing tube. I was not surprised at all , because I can see how harder he breathes and I have no other choice. As much as I hate to see him with the ventilator, it would be better for him anyways to help his lungs to function well. The doctor suspected that he might have a pneumonia or the MRSA infection is still working in his body. It is very frustrating because I can't help him. I was hoping that he can go home next week so that he can visit his grandpa. But he turned the other way around. I took some video of him in the morning which is very different than the afternoon video.

I still don't lose hope though, and I do believed that God will take care of him always. I just need to have more faith in him.


Video of Gerald in the morning. He was breathing harder already.
He was sitting on the foam chair and watching his favorite kids movie.

This is GJ's video in the afternoon. Intubated again.
His lungs was not doing what it supposed to do.

1 comment:

  1. kung may magawa lang sana tayo para maka recover kaagad c bb GJ Neldz, kaso lang ang Dios lang talaga ang nakakaalam sa lahat...I prayed to our Lord to grant you more courage to face the future, insight to understand life's trials, wisdom to discern how you can touch the lives of others, and the comfort of persons who care about as you reach for His loving Hands...Our loving God will give you more strength that you may be filled with hope and the Holy Spirit come to your aid that you might live each day with strength and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord...God is Good Nelds, He knows what's the best for bb Gerald, just keep praying and God will do the rest...

    With Love & Prayers,


Thank You for dropping by! take care and God Bless!


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