Friday, November 2, 2012

Achievement Award's Day and Field Trip 2012

It was so nice to spend a lone time with my boy. He never have a lone time with since the girls are more demanding than him. Once they saw me and Gerald are together they get jealous every time. So today I was able to be with Gerald at the Az State Fair. It was a school feild trip to the Fair.
But before we went to the fair the school held an achievement award day. I am so proud of him for trying to learn new things. Way to go baby G!
 He was been with Ms. Stone for couple years now and I see and she sees a big improvement in everything. Most especially the attention span before he only pay attention for less than a minute and now he can actually do his homework without forcing to do it.
 At the Az State Fair. He was able to do four rides before we head out to the lunch area.
My boy and I... just love the day we spent today baby G!
Happy Friday!


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