Sunday, December 11, 2011

Winter Party 2011

Atherton’s Winter Party 2011

Today we attended the winter party hosted by the Atherton’s family. This probably our third year to come to this party and every time we come over my kid or kids always had a great time! I would like to thank the Atherton’s Family for being so generous and giving our kids an opportunity to experience of one of a kind event.
Anyway, my kids  the same as usual they had a blast! We enjoyed the food, and all  the great things that provided for our kids such as icing some cookies, snow J, clowns, Santa Claus + gifts and more.

Gerald is a happy go lucky kid. If he sees some kids are playing he can’t say he wanted to play with them, but he will just go and join them. He left his sister and just go in his way to the play ground and play with others.
 Kathlyn on the other hand gets her priority straight… food first before anything else J. After she had her lunch I gave her the gloves and she went straight to the pile of snow and started making a small snowman. She didn’t care what the other kids was doing until she found out that throwing a snow ball is a lot more fun too! Then big brother joined her and they had such an amazing time playing with other kids. I should mention that Gerald didn’t care to sit on the snow and wet his pants. Also, he was enjoying to know that his pants was falling on the ground! Glad mommy catch right away but people sew it! Pretty entertaining GJ.
Madisen enjoyed her self too nibbling the pizza crust. This was her first time to attend the party and first time taking photo with Santa Claus. She was up and she was really good at the party. After I put her back to her car seat she cried a little bit and fell asleep.

It was an awesome day at the party  and we went visited granda Marla afterwards. Oh I should mention that this time Auntie Susan was with us and drove us to this party since dad had to go to work. Thanks a lot to Aunt Susan for donating the time and fun!

MAdisen's First Week of Eating SOlid food

December 11, 2011

Madisen has been  eating solid food for almost a week now. I was gonna let her try the solid food for her when she’s 6 months old, but I think she can’t wait any longer. At the party we went to last Saturday she was really sucking the pizza and she was angry when I took away from her. So, today I bought few gerber infant food from Walmart. I gave her carrots and men she almost finish the whole container in one meal. In the afternoon I tried to feed her cereal and she was spitting it out L do I have a picky eater in this house again??? No! She can’t do that Hashanah. Anyway, before she went to sleep I feed her the rest of her carrots but it wasn’t enough so I had to open a new container of carrots for her and she almost finish it again. What a good girl!

Another, Kathlyn can ride the training bike now. Wow! I think I need to get her a new bike since she uses her big brother’s bike and poor GJ he normally ended up using ng tricycle. Good thing about it that Gerald really doesn’t insist to get his bike back and let Kathlyn use his bike. I am very proud of GJ that he have a long patients for his little sister.


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