Today, Gerald jay had an appointment with the feeding therapist at the CRS clinic. He goes there every Wednesday around 9:90 am. I usually stayed home with my little daughter,and my husband normally takes him to CRS clinic. Anyway, today was his third session and my husband thinks that the therapist is given up on Gerald jay. It really is frustrating because GJ can not stay on the high chair even 15minutes. He always walks around the room and if you tell him to sit down he gets angry and lied on the floor. Today, they restrained him so that he can not wonder around. However, he was not very cooperative in the feeding; therefore, the feeding therapist suggested to take him to the feeding specialist that deals with behavior too. It was very disappointing. I wish we could get out of this problem. We are planning to place a G-tube on GJ's stomach and I couldn't wait for that. It came to the point that the NG-tube is not very efficient now. He normally cough it out and to put it back in is not fun, because Gerald jay was screaming and kicking at the same time.
Another, after the feeding session he had an appointment with the neurologist for follow-up check for his stroke that occurred during the aortic reconstruction last July 5th of 2007. He doc said that the damage of the stroke is more than we thought because the way his should is formed. There is nothing they can do so far but therapy. I noticed his should last weekend when I took off his clothes at the zoo. It seems his shoulder was leaning forward and I can see the slight dislocation of his joint in his shoulder. He had his therapist available for him, so I am hoping that it will resolved as the day goes by.