Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gerald has been extubated today

I would say that today is a good day for Gerald. He has been on the breathing tube for two weeks and doctors were really concerned that he is not improving. Yesterday, they put a new folly catheter on him to help him urinate. Guess what? It did works , he was urinating like crazy within the twenty four hours. I was really trilled. He was not urinating normally for quite a while, and that is why he was so swollen. After Gerald urinated a few liters of fluid, the doctors decided to removed his breathing tube. I took a video of him calling me, and he was trying to wiggle around. I hope he'll keep breathing by himself, so that he will not need a breathing tube again.
I offered a prayer to God right and after they took the tube out.
Please Lord Jesus, keep him in your powerful healing hands.

Gerald's day 13 of being intubated

"Mary would you please help me!" GJ's nurse calling out for help to her co-worker . That is how I woke up this morning. I was in the corner of Gerald's room fast asleep ( even though few nurses I heard coming in and out in this room) when I heard nurse Nicole asking for help from her co- worker. I was suddenly jump out of the small bed and put a gown and gloves to helped her comforting GJ. He was not so happy. He wiggles and trying to get up; however, he should not be getting up yet because he still intubated. The nurse couldn't leave him to get his medication, because GJ was so strong and very persistent to do his own plans...getting up. Anyway, a good nurse came to rescue us and brought a prn medication for GJ to calm him down. After he had a dose of meds he fall asleep until 7:30 am.

He was gonna have a catheter on his abdomen to drain some of his excess fluid (due to the surgery he was susceptible of gaining fluid in his tissue). However, the doctor ordered to put a new folly catheter on him to help him urinate. I think this folly catheter really works because last night alone he pee more than 600 ml. If he continued to urinate and less swollen, he might not need to have the abdominal catheter done.

The plans for today is to extubate (remove the breathing tube) him. I hope he can manage not have the breathing tube although he is swollen. I just pray to God that all will be in his hands, and according to his will. Today is day 13 since GJ on his back. I hope that he can be more movable in few days.


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