Saturday, April 12, 2014

Family Dance Night with HopeKid

First Family Dance Night
Courtesy by: HopeKids of Arizona

What a fun night with my family at the First Family Dance Night with the HopeKids family. I think my children just had a fantastic time dancing with me and their dad. I was surprised that my boy has been very calm the whole time on the dance floor. Occasionally, he would go down on the floor, but when I asked him to get up, he follows directions without yelling at me :-). My girls on the other hand, had a blast! My eldest daughter was tired after two hours of dancing, and she made her dad danced a lot with her. My youngest one she was doing what the two years old was doing like bending and laying on the floor ha!

Well, I would like to extend my gratitude to HopeKids Arizona for all you do for all of us. Thank you for giving us the great opportunity to experience the extraordinary events that we would never experienced without you. You are such a blessing to my family! Thank you and God bless more and more!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Heart Talk 2014

As usual the Nick and Kelly Heart Fund sponsored this event at the Phoenix Zoo. We've  been going to this event for quite some time now. What I like about it is that we are able to met all the healthcare professionals that took care of my son during his tough times in the hospital. Another, my son was able to met his cardiac surgeon and exchanged greetings with each other and of course expressing our gratitude for all he had done. Also, I was able to meet new heart moms and get some answers to my questions about IEP and school. This program offered tons to the family in need and I hope they will continue to do this event every year.

After the meeting I took my kids to see the animals.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


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