Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bicycle Trailer

A week ago we bought a bike trailer. Since we only have one car to get around the town, and Ralph normally has the car when he goes to work. My kids and I usually stuck in the house for four days, and we couldn't get anywhere with two kids without any form of transportation.
Anyway, today Ralph finally hooked up the trailer unto my bike. I haven't use my bike for almost two years, so I was so excited about it. I can finally have an exercise buy pulling my kids trailer. BUT as we went down the drive way my bike got flat tires, both of them. I knew Ralph filled the tires up with air. I was frustrating. Well, since my kids enjoying the ride in that trailer, we still walked around the block since the trailer can converted into a stroller. We got this from Walmart.


  1. That's a pretty bicycle trailer and what a good idea. Looks like the kids enjoy so much riding in it.

  2. This was the type of trailer that I have been wanting to get since I want to go back biking again with Tim and now with Harley. I love it the fact that it turns into a stroller as well and 2 kids can fit it. Ugh! Tim just don't like to go around biking with baby HF since it is a bit dangerous around here even on the country road. Oh well! I still can go on biking on my own to the farm by the country road which is far by the way.. hehehehe and Tim will have to follow me with the farmtruck.. that's the only time I get to go on biking.. that is good ate Nelds that you guys can go outside and have fun. :)

  3. cool bike! wish we had one when my son was smaller :)

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