Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good News

Dad and Gerald

Great news! We might going home next week according to all the healthcare professionals that took care of Gerald Jay. I couldn't believe it. But they are serious and the nurse practitioners wrote tons of going home orders to our nurse. They also asked me if we need more feeding supplies and other stuff. This is it! Yahooo, I am thrilled to the max.
Praise God!


  1. what a good news. THANK YOU LORD for always there with bb G and for helping him always.

    I am in teary eyes while reading. God bless him always.

  2. PRAISES again and again! I am so happy for all of you!

  3. i've been following you through multiply, facebook, blogspot hehehe
    i'm happy bout the way things turned out for you!
    you have an amazing faith in God.


Thank You for dropping by! take care and God Bless!


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