Thursday, April 1, 2010

Candle Blowing and Dad's Birthday

Candle blowing

It was daddy's special day when I saw Gerald Jay blew the candle. HE FINALLY KNOW HOW TO BLOW! Wow! I was surprised when I saw him blew dad's birthday cake :). The therapist and us worked with him for quite sometimes just to teach him how to blow bubbles or whistle or something. And I finally see him did it in action that he can really blow. Oh! for the record we probably lite that candles more than 10 times before dad
Happy birthday to my beloved husband and a great father of my kids :)
As you can see Gerald jay was holding the matches and actually asking for more fire :(. Now, we have to be careful of where to store our matches.


  1. Nice to know of Gerald's great improvement.Gerald and Bb K are really growing well. Hugs to them

    Happy Birthday to your hubby. Wish him all the best for the coming years.

  2. Your family is BEAUTIFUL (and so is that cake....)

    Thank you for reading our blog, as for Jack on the airplane, he has ALWAYS done well, but we've flown a few times, back and forth form SLC to Vegas, or California. Florida was the longest flight. The things I was most grateful for:

    -His carseat. It's a pain to carry around, but he is familiar with it, and knows that if he is strapped into it, that's where he stays.
    -my iPod touch. I uploaded movies to it, and some preschooler games, and he kept nice and busy with it.
    -Bendaroo's. They are those stupid waxy things that kids play with, but he loved playing with them on the tray and as long as you keep track of them, they aren't too messy.
    -Also, not being messy are the Crayola Color WOnder markers, that don't draw on ANYTHING but color wonder paper.

    So those are all great things. And snacks ;)

    Good luck with your sweet heart baby! Stay in touch.


Thank You for dropping by! take care and God Bless!


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