Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gerald Jay is finally back Home!

            This is the new way to feed Gj now : G-Tube       GJ at home...very happy to be home!

But before we went home.Winnie the pooh visited us:)

Got the G-Tube done!

No More NG-TUBE :)
Gerald looks great without the ng-tube in his nose and taped-up on his face. He got his G-tube last Thursday October 8th, 2009 around 12:30nn. Also he was really good, he did not whine so much. He will be going back home hopefully today:)

Ng-tube was our preference when he was little but he didn't improve with his feeding so we decided to have the G-tube done after 3 years and 3 months. Many doctors and moms were wondering why he still have the NG tube (which should only be for temporary feeding theraphy) it was our hope that he will improve in his feeding or eating therapy, but he wasn't.  G-tube was our last resource, and I am loving it. It is a lot easier than the NG-tube.  It has a positive effect on him too because he can play with other kids and not being afraid of him.

See! my face is tapes and no tube!

side view of me:)

more picture of me!

my nostril hmmm... no tube in hehehehe
Thanks to all my doctors, nurses and to all the nice staff at St. Joe's hospital.


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Thanks and come back soon!