Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CHD Awareness via NASCAR! Help vote us in! (Please share)

CHD Awareness via NASCAR! Help vote us in! (Please share)


I couldn't help myself to cry this morning in the class while my teacher discussing about diabetes mellitus. Why? Because both of my parents are diabetics, and they are not getting the right treatment that they need due to lack of financial assistance. I found my self irresponsible because at this moment I have no money to give them to get them treated. My heart is aching so much and how I wish I have a job so that I can help them. How I wish I can get on the plane and be with them so that I can explain them how important to treat thier illness. How  I wish to see them before everything is too late... how I wish that they are with me and see my growing kids for the first time. How I wish that one of these days I can go back home to see them.
"I Love you Nanay and Papa"


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