Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gerald is doing a little better

Gerald so far is doing a little better than in the past few days. He drained some of those excess fluids in his body and now his weight is getting better. I would say that he gained almost 5 pound in a week. It was not fat in his body but more on fluids in his tissue. That is the reason why he was very puffy.
The infection wise is still there in the wound and his mucus. They did the blood culture yesterday morning and still came back negative, which is very good. I hope it will keep it that way.
Today the plan is to extubate him (remove the breathing tube). They said that he is ready for it. He keeps fighting that breathing tube since yesterday. My husband and I were really doubted that if they remove the breathing tube in his situation right now, he might need it because he is still swollen. We had this situation before that after they extubated him, he could hardly breath and when they tried to put the tube back in they have to call the specialist after the fourth attempt of those doctors. Gerald's air passage way was not clearly seen at that time due to his swelling throat. He has been unconscious for 7 days and hopefully he'll be able to totally breath of his own so that they can remove the breathing tube today.

So far so good and I praised God for taking care of him!


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